Community Impact
At Vineworks we look to partner with organizations that are committed to making a difference in the lives of those within the communities that they source from:
fashionABLE (Ethiopia) believes that doing manufacturing in the communities that they want to impact while providing jobs for women is the way to end generational poverty. Instead of producing goods in the West and giving profits back to developing countries they craft goods in developing countries which directly impacts their economy and way of life.
Papillon works with mothers and fathers in Haiti to provide a reliable income that allows families to be able to support their children. In Haiti, when a family cannot provide for their children they will put them up for adoption. Many of Haiti's orphanages are filled with children who have loving parents who simply can't provide for them. This is why Papillon's motto is "orphan prevention through job creation."
Krochet Kids Int takes the model of job creation one step further when they provide mentorship and education for crafters in Uganda and Peru with the ultimate goal of teaching the skills needed for the crafters own independent career. Their primary goal is to be an apparel company that honors everyone who is a part of it.
Singing Rooster works with small-holder coffee and cacao growers in Haiti to directly trade their products with the United States and Canada. Through this, they provide agricultural and business consultants, organize pre-harvest financing, and buy crops at premium prices. Since Hurricane Matthew destroyed many of the agricultural areas of Haiti they have been working to directly promote reforestation.
Dignity Designs which is run through Heshima provides jobs for mother's of children with special needs while providing education and therapy. Dignity Designs is located in a small slum of Nairobi, Kenya called Ngando. In Kenya, many children with special needs live a life that is undignified and full of broken dreams. Heshima means dignity in Swahili and this is what Dignity Designs seeks to provide.
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