The Importance of Reusable Bags

May 10, 2018

a saddle bag, canvas tote, and backpack

Since corporations began mass-producing plastic, 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic has come into existence, and 6.3 billion of those tons of plastic ended up in the trash as waste. Of the waste, only 9% has been recycled. All this plastic is polluting the environment, killing wildlife, and taking up space.

A huge culprit of this waste is plastic shopping bags. It is estimated that, worldwide, 500 billion-1 trillion plastic bags are created/consumed every year. This number is possibly as large as 5 trillion. Only 0.5% of these bags are recycled.

To combat the extreme plastic waste everyone is faced with, many people are turning to reusable bags. Reusable bags allow individuals to make strides toward ecological change. If the demand for plastic bags decreases, the development of them will also decrease. Hopefully, there will come a time where the only plastics we use are recycled from the billions of tons of plastic that already exists.

Vineworks works with artisans who create stylish and practical reusable bags. Check them out here.

plaid boyfriend bagrecycled tote

burnt orange canvas tote


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