Water Usage Across the Globe

March 29, 2018

garbage in Haitian water way

Safe Drinking Water

Only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater. Only about 1.2% of that water is available on the Earth’s surface.

The unequal distribution of water for the production of products like plastic, or the mining of products like oil, along with the simple needs of human beings and plants for food production leave many countries with a lack of safe water.


The water usage of the world's largest countries in liters/person/day:

Russia: 5,100

Canada: 6,400

United States of America: 7,800

People’s Republic China: 2,900

Brazil: 5,600

Australia: 6,300

The water usage of Vineworks’ partner countries in liters/person/day:

Haiti: 2,800

Peru: 3,000

Kenya: 3,000

Ethiopia: 3,200

India: 3,000

Myanmar: 3,300

**These numbers are averaged by the entire country’s daily water usage divided by its population.**

Although unequal distribution of water for production is a global problem, the top five countries suffering from water scarcity are struggling due to war and political change. These countries are Yemen, Libya, Jordan, Western Sahara, and Djibouti.

Most of these countries have groups within them fighting for control over the country. This causes the small amount of water they have to be distributed unevenly, even with aid from other countries and water-focused organizations.

Sources: waterfootprint.org, water.usgs.gov, arizona.edu

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